Sep 7, 2011

Labor day

I don't know about you, but Mr. Bear is sick and tired of eating seafood in Western establishments (in his words, "white people restaurants"). He perpetually questions why a lobster tail with some beans on the side cost $35, why the lobster head (arguably the best part of a lobster) is left to be devoured by kitchen staff, and why anyone would even serve a plate of 5 raviolis as a main course. Don't even get him started with crab cakes. Two little crab cakes in the middle of a big plate with some microgreens is a sure way to make him feel depressed. And trust me, when the bill arrives, he will be more than grumpy to remind you that two whole lobsters in Chinatown is $15.99 all year round. 

So you can imagine, lobsters for $4.99/lb at Super 88 was like Christmas in September for Mr. Bear. He was so happy he even volunteered to cook! Of course, I managed to squeeze in some veggies, just because we should. Such a light and delicious meal!

Ghetto Tomato Caprese
Sliced tomatoes, mozzarella cheese, oregano, balsamic and olive oil. 

Fresh Lobster with French Green Beans
Lobster steamed in PBR and Mr. Bear specialty seasoning
Green beans steamed, tossed with sauteed shallots, roasted almonds, lime juice and olive oil.

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